Photo by Adam Kontor on

G-OD, generous with His mercy and blessings

R-emembering not that we rejected Him.

A Creator full only for us of love

T-o which His only Son from above

E-ndured pain, sorrow, our indifference

F-or us created in His image to be saved, hence

U-nite us back, become merciful and generous like Him

L-oving Him thru our brethren.

Hello Telephone

One Saturday morning, a little girl, a preschooler, was playing with her toys in the home office of her grandfather who happened to be a judge assigned in the province. Grandpa Judge was still resting at this time.

It was pretty quiet around the house when suddenly the telephone rang. The preschooler still didn’t know how to use the telephone but had seen how the elders in the house were using it. She knew though that when the telephone rang, the first word uttered was “Hello.” Third, fourth ring, no elder came to answer the phone. So on the fifth ring, the preschooler set aside her toys, stood up on tiptoe, reached for the handset and said, “Hello.”

The person on the other line was taken aback by the high-pitched voice of obviously a child. Just to make sure, after the caller said “Hello” back, a follow up question of, “Is this 8-472987?” To which the preschooler answered, “No. It’s 771.” The preschooler corrected the caller by giving the house number.

By this time Grandpa Judge had rushed down to his home office and asked his granddaughter for the telephone handset which the preschooler handed without hesitation.

The caller was a client of Grandpa Judge who wanted to meet up with him. Grandpa Judge was very apologetic about his preschooler answering the telephone but the caller said it was amazing that the child already knew how to answer the telephone, just that she really wasn’t aware about phone numbers yet, but got the house number correct. Both the caller and Grandpa Judge had a good laugh about it and Grandpa Judge truly felt proud of his granddaughter.

Meanwhile, our preschooler had left the home office and went to be with her grandmother who asked her, “So who was on the telephone?” The little girl replied, “Oh, it was somebody Grandpa knew but who didn’t know that our house number is 771. Maybe that’s why he called.”, to which Grandma laughed bringing tears to her eyes.