Photo by Brianna Martinez on Pexels.com

From the sky water falls

drenching the earth, filling potholes;

while greens dance happily

no longer dry or thirsty.

And children playing noisily

bathing in the rain, their cooling dose

for warm bodies, not using the water hose.

This is nature’s cleansing spree;

washing away parched land, dry debris.

Once more a polished earth made ready

to hope, to sow, to reap anew steadfastly.


Photo by Mat Reding on Pexels.com

A day begins with the sunrise

piercing through the fading purple sky.

Cool air becomes warmer

when the sun shines brighter.

As the day grows by the hour,

warmth becomes heat;

when the clock by noon ticks

then one, two, three o’clock reached,

the heat turns to a feverish level;

but the winds give comfort well.

Trees and leaves sway with the breeze

fanning the heat away with a gentle wheeze.

Then the sun sets leaving a heated earth;

hesitating, with a gradually fading ardor,

cooling down as night comes forth.